Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cohabiting and Divorce rates:
  So today in class we were talking about divorce and cohabiting.  Something interesting that was said is that 75% of Marriages in the U.S. are successful, with only 25% divorcing.  But of those 25%, 60% will get a divorce from their second marriges.  In some circumstances, this might be because the person is afraid of conflict of fighting, so when these issues come up they move on. Their is also the issue of cohabiting.  Studies have shown that if you cohabit before marriage, the more likely it is that you will get a divorce.  Now I don't exactly know why this is, but i just find it interesting.  If you have an opinion on the subject, please comment.  I hope you found this interesting and I hope you have a wonderful day. :D

Monday, September 23, 2013

Marriage in the Past:
          So today in class we were talking and my teacher mentioned that many people have come to believe that people of lesser privilege( not of royal  birth) did not start marrying until about the 1800's.  This is not true.  Their are many accounts in the Old Testament and New Testament of lower status marriages.  One example that we talked about in my New Testament class last week was Mary and Joseph.  Although through both their lineages they were royals; the Romans had come in and taken their family out of power.  So Joseph was just a humble carpenter and Mary was espoused to him at the time of Christ's birth, which is more than engaged but less than being married.  The point is that people got married before the 1800's.  I just thought that this was interesting.  More info about this can be found in the first few paragraphs of a document called " The Family: A Proclamation to the World"(  Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. :D

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hi My name is Brenn.  I am a college sophomore form Southern California.  I am excited for the chance to share the things that I have learned from my Family relations class.  I can't wait to start. :D