Friday, October 25, 2013

Dating vs. Courtship

Hey guys.  So today in class, and all throughout the week, we have been talking about how dating has changed over the past few years.  My professor said that when he was in college, people went on dates with many different people, sometimes in the same week.  In our society the term dating means hanging out exclusively with one person, many time not even going on a date.  It is important to date many people.  A girl  in class today gave a really cute example.  She said," Dating is like eating ice cream.  You might like vanilla, but if you never try other favors you might never really find your favorite kind."  I love this analogy because we really won't know what we want out of our relationships if we don't get to know what is out there for us.  So before you get serious with someone, try to date a variety of people before you decide what you want.  Thanks for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day. : D

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Family

So this past weekend we had General Conference.  I loved all of the talks given.  There were at least five talks given on the family, maybe more.  My Absolute favorite quote from conference was by David M. Mcconkie in his talk called "Teaching with the Power and Authority of God".  And he said, "Second only to the responsibility teachers have to listen to the Spirit, is the responsibility they have to listen to the student".  This was actually a quote from Elder Holland, and he applied it to teaching.  Well I love it even more when it is applied to parenting.  When we realize that we can learn so much from our little children, we will have a humble and happy home.  This week in class we talked about culture and class and how that affects us as people.  As human beings we like staying in our comfort zone.  That is why when we move to another place, we hang out with people who have the same interests as us, as well as other things.  If we want to move classes, or cultures, i think that is possible, but it will be difficult for them as well.  If you want to read the talk by Elder Mcconkie here is the link:  If You want to read any other talk for the LDS General Conference you can find them here:  Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a Wonderful day.  :D

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Families System

So this week in class we talked about family systems.  Meaning that everyone in the family has a role, and what you do with that role contributes and influences the family.  These influences and contributions can lead to the parents focusing more on one child than the others.  For instance, if a child has an illness that requires the parents to focus more on them, the other children, inevitably, will get less attention.  But everything we do can have an influence on the family system, not just big things.  When we realize this we can then make a conseous effort to try and influnese our family system in a positive way.  Sorry I haven't posted all this week.  I hope that you have a wonderful day. :D